
Showing posts from September, 2018

Ember is not an assassin, Death is

Dad came back home with a bag of goodies in his hands and his usual smile on his mouth. "I've got news"  he said Ears leaned in, expecting some general news. Dad sat down, silent, still wearing his sanguine, always optimistic smile. "Talk na" said my now anxious ma. He looked at ma intently before spewing in her face like vomit 'Papa Ella is dead! Papa Ella is dead! Papa Ella is dead!' My eyes and mouth widened as my brain froze. Ma didn't know when she sent what she had in her hand flying across the room. Even my sister had now heard and burst out of her room, with hands on head or something like that. I can't quite remember but one of those body gestures that suggests grievance, I was too frozen to notice. Daddy Ella, (I never knew his name) our very nice, peaceful and helpful former neighbour had died in a stroke leaving his young wife and two girls under 8 years old behind. I let the news sink in and there was just this one